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Short Workshop

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                          Become a TAJ© Therapeutic Art Journaling instructor






The course will be open very soon, estimated date February 2022!


INTERNATIONAL ONLINE short workshop and training



What is a TAJ©

TAJ© is a Therapeutic Art Journaling.

The proposed exercises and ideas in this book, have the objective to help readers to start a new journey, expressing themselves in a different language (visual, symbolic, creative, artistic) than the habitual (verbal language). All the proposed activities could be developed at any time, by any person age (preferred from 12 years old until 100 years old). To experience this book, you do not need to be a professional Psychologist, Therapist, Artist, etc. in fact, all of us are artists because we can create things!


This book gives you the opportunity to think about you, your life, your goals, expressing your feelings, writing, coloring, creating, pasting and more. You are the only one who has the right to interpret your creations.


Order a copy of the printed book here


The book's author is not responsible for any reader misunderstanding, or any unfortunate action, or any negative and/or disturbed emotion and/or mental situation derived from the use of some exercises proposed in this book. Each reader is the only responsible person for their actions and how to complete or not the exercises.


If you feel that you need psychological help and/or support, please contact your family doctor (G.P) and there, they will support you to find the best professional for each situation. Also, you can contact us for Art Therapy sessions working with your TAJ©


This book is not an Art Therapy book or an Art therapy Session. If you are interested in working with your creations/ situations/ emotions, in a more deep and therapeutic way, I suggest you contact a professional Psychotherapist, Counsellor, Social worker, Coach etc. to receive the required support and guidance.


This TAJ© book has some examples as a guide for you (some activities have a template, they are general, with no gender orientation), feel free to change it or create your own template. Please note that they are only examples from the author of this book, you can do whatever you need, or you want. The original drawings/ paintings/ collages have some colors. Visit this online place to see more examples at the “virtual Art Gallery”, if you want, you are welcome to send to the author your creations, also there you will find more interesting exercises.



Becoming a “TAJ© Instructor”

If, after completing the exercises in this book, and if you found this book an interesting and important experience for your personal growth, and if you think that the development of these exercises can support other people, then you can choose to continue sharing this work as "TAJ© Instructor"


• What is a TAJ© instructor?

A TAJ© instructor is a person who has been trained by Gemma Garcia, in the TAJ© Instructors Course, and whose certificate will permit him/her to use this book in the development of workshops with participants interested in this subject of the Art Diaries and personal growth.

If you do not have the TAJ© Instructor certification, training developed only by Gemma Garcia, you will not be allowed to use this book or part of it, for any purpose, without the written permission of the author of the book Gemma Garcia, as it is protected by Copyright.


What requirements are necessary to be a TAJ© Instructor?

No prerequisites and/or training is necessary to participate in the training TAJ© instructor. During the TAJ© Instructor training, the participant will acquire methodology, theory, and support material, to finally have training with which the trained can accompany other people in the development of the exercises in this book, for the purpose of "personal growth" in workshops.


• How can I train as a TAJ© instructor?

Enrol in this course, and after receiving your registration form and payment, we will contact you via email, and we will send you all the information to start this training. Any questions please contact us


• What is the TAJ© instructor training?

The “TAJ© instructor course”, developed in an online format, consists of two parts:


Theoretical part 1: where the future TAJ© instructor will receive all the necessary information to answer the questions of future participants in their workshops, with content such as:

Meaning of colors, how to work with dreams, the meaning of symbols, History of mandalas, how to work with directed fantasies, emotions and relationship with body parts according to Chinese knowledge, investigation of the test of the person in the rain, the technique of collage, the use of art materials, self-portrait techniques, etc.


Practice part 2: The participant in the TAJ© instructor training must complete the entire TAJ© book exercises, as a practical and experiential part, and will also have an online mentoring session with Gemma Garcia, where the participant can express their doubts and queries about the instructor certification TAJ© course and subsequent professional application.


• What is the cost of the TAJ© Instructor Training


Gestalt Art Therapy members:


  • ​Cost of the training *including the private session and the book $465

  • Cost of the training *including the private session, not including the Book $430



Non-members of the Gestalt Art Therapy Club:


  • ​​Cost of the training *including the private session and the book $551

  • Cost of the training *including the private session, not including the Book $516

  • Cost of the training *including the private session, the membership and the book $500


Become a member:

See here more information


​Costs are in Australian Dollars

GST not included


*​Book shipping costs included for one book only.

Shipping more than one book, please contact us,

for more information

Note: You can order the book directly at this link



• After my Training as a TAJ© Instructor, what activities can I develop?

After obtaining the certificate as a TAJ© Instructor, it will give you the right to develop workshops with groups of people (face-to-face and/or online format) where you can use the exercises that appear in the book, and guide the participants in the workshop in their process of 'personal self-discovery'.


This may provide you with an important economic income. See more information in the TAJ© Instructor course.


• Where do I register to receive the Instructor TAJ© training?




Read more about participants' conditions and refund policies.



Note: If your interest is integrating ART JOURNALS in working with clients and groups in Art therapy, Psychotherapy sessions, read more about the specific Art therapy workshop at our centre here.



Professional Development Australia:

Registrants can obtain their CPD /OPD hours (non-endorsed activities)
AASW CPD hours

ACA OPD hours




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