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Mandalas Gestalt Art Therapy approach ZOOM

sáb, 12 mar



Until you discover your center... you will feel lost..

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Mandalas Gestalt Art Therapy approach ZOOM
Mandalas Gestalt Art Therapy approach ZOOM

Time & Location

12 mar 2022, 18:00 – 20:00 GMT+10


About the event


  • Registrants can obtain their CPD /OPD hours (non-endorsed activities)

AASW CPD hours

ACA OPD hours


 MANDALAS a Gestalt Art Therapy approach

“My mandalas were cryptograms about the state of the self that presented itself to me each new day… I kept them as precious stones…. It was becoming more and more clear that the Mandala is the center. It is the exponent of all paths. It is the path to the center, to individuation. ”

                             Memories, Dreams and Reflections. CG jung

 THE SACRED ROUND: Carl Jung's Patient Mandalas

“The Sacred Round: Carl Jung's Patient Mandalas” was the first exhibition of forty patient-created mandalas by Swiss psychoanalyst C.G. Jung, which was on view at the Oglethorpe University Art Museum from February 5 to May 6, 2012. The exhibit was courtesy of C.G. Jung Institute in Kusnacht, Switzerland

Workshop objectives:

- The artistic techniques involved in creating mandalas using a wide range of artistic materials.

- Investigate and experiment on the creation of mandalas and the process in the Gestalt Art therapy session.

- Have the opportunity to practice with this tool, because when you draw or paint your own mandala, you are making a portrait of your unconscious self in a particular moment in your life, and when you carefully observe your creation, it can provide an amazing insight in a deep level (Susanne F Fincher)

- Learn how to present this art tool to your clients

- Discover the spiritual transformative power of the mandala

- You will be able to offer options to the client to communicate in a new language. Mandala work provides a space where clients can reproduce their inner world in a safe and relaxed way.

- Practice with the integration of polarities using Mandalas.

- Investigate more about Symbols, Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious.

· During this online workshop, participants will understand how to work with Mandalas, in a Gestalt art therapy approach.

· Working with mandalas with a Gestalt approach will help the participants to understand not the "why" but the "what for" and the "how" during the creation and understanding of the Mandala.

"Here and Now" will give participants valuable awareness during this amazing process of working with the Mandalas.

· This workshop is "practical" - this means that the importance is the practice, the moment, the experience. We will present theories but the goal is practical.

No previous experience with mandalas or in Gestalt Therapy, or in Psychology, Therapy or Art is necessary.

This workshop will not be recorded because it will be experiential "Here and now". So there will be no later access to the contents.

Workshop information:

Day: Saturday March 12th, 2022

Time: 6 pm to 8pm  (Brisbane- Australian time)  AEST- Australian Eastern Standard Time. UTC/GMT +10 hours. See here time converter

Registrations will close on March 9th , 2022 at 3 pm AEST.

 Become a V.I.P Member


Gestalt Art Therapy V.I.P Club members

Participation: $95Aud

General participants

Participation: $110Aud

Any questions please contact us.


System: Zoom (After registration and payment you will receive the link for your participation)

System and Materials you will need for the workshop participation:

System: Zoom (After your registration you will receive the link so you can access the day of the event)

Connection system and materials that you will need to have available on the day of the workshop:

- Internet connection, a computer, tablet or phone, with access to a webcam and microphone.

- Have the Zoom program or APP installed and be registered@

- One A4 Paper to write and/or draw

- Magazines in case you want to use images, words, for collage

- Pair of scissors

- Glue

- A pen, color markers or crayons.

- One A4 black Black sheet 

- Gel pen white or white pastel pencil

- Rock (flat as a possible)

- Some acrylic paints (we will use a small amount) 

- Paper or plastic plate

- Fine brush or cotton sticks or chopsticks

- Ruler

- Something to create a circulo (a cup or a bowl, etc)

- Once the registration is paid, we will send you a link with access to Mandalas material, which you can print to have ready for the day of the workshop.

- Camera or cell phone to take a picture of your creation to be shared with the participants.

Read Policy cancelation and Participation conditions at the "Event Policy"

This workshop will be “hands on” and will not be recorded.

More information:

Become a member today just for $40 Year and access to discounts!

Full membership 2022: $40

Join our Group on Facebook

Read information about our COVID-19 Guidelines 


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